Things to Consider When Financing a Pool

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Buying and installing a backyard pool is something that most homeowners do once or twice, depending on how often they move. Because we don’t get a lot of practice at pool financing, it’s very important to gain as much knowledge as you can about pool financing before you take the plunge!

Things to Consider When Financing a Pool

First, it sound obvious but you need to think about what is really important to you, both as far as a pool goes and your lifestyle. What type of pool do you want? Low-maintenance or show-stopper with water features? Above ground or in-ground? Vinyl liner or no? These questions should all be familiar and thought through before looking into pool financing.

Once you know the type of pool you want, you need to determine how much pool you can truly afford. Even if you avoid the word “budget” like the plague, you need to make one out, look at your financing options, and determine the size of payments you’ll be comfortable with. If your budget requires you to cut back your lifestyle, are you okay with that or would you rather cut back on some of your pool’s features? Adhering to your budget will enable you to actually enjoy the pool you end up with, rather than getting in over your head and resenting the costs.

Lastly, you’ll need to factor in the costs of not just the pool financing, but the maintenance of your pool as well. Don’t forget to include this detail in your pool budget since taking good care of your pool is the only way you can continually use it and enjoy it.

If you want to learn more about Ricky’s Pools and our 100% financing offer for your pool, contact us today. We can ensure that you get the best pool for your lifestyle and budget.